Reflection: Unique beauty from within

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. I firmly believe that. 

I know that in life this gets said by many people. I used to think that this was something that was said to make someone feel better in those low self-esteem moments, without much depth to back it. 

However, it’s actually completely true.

I have observed that the media tells us what is beautiful, as do our upbringings and environment. This all changes over time and in different locations and cultures. 

I will never forget the time when I was in middle school and a girl who sat in front of me was talking to another friend of hers about a new girl at school. She actually said, “She’s Black, but she’s really pretty.” 

This was arguably one of the most offensive things I had ever heard. I really didn’t appreciate the use of the word “but” rather than “and.” As a biracial young woman myself, I was deeply bothered by this. 

This just goes to show that people are taught that certain things are beautiful, certain things are not, and the variations are pretty much as numerable as there are people on the planet! It’s unfortunate that some people decide to criticize the differences in others rather than take interest in what makes them special or different. 

The fact remains that everyone is truly beautiful, regardless of what any cultural standard says.

It’s really quite amazing to embrace how unique we all are. Imagine if we all looked exactly the same. Not only would that be incredibly boring, but there would also be no aesthetic in the world, as far as people are concerned. All of the different qualities we each have, from how we look, to how we express ourselves and how we live our lives, are what the beauty in the world is comprised of. Each one of us is a masterpiece in our own right, with beauty running deeper than what we see on the surface. 

Where you see a lack of beauty, there’s missing confidence and a lack of inner sense of self. A person who is low in confidence and blocked from their sense of self carries themselves in a completely different way than someone who has strong and genuine self-esteem. 

Additionally, a person who is rude and demeaning to others loses their attractiveness sooner or later, no matter their physical features. 

All outer beauty comes from what is on the inside. That’s all. 

There are so many unique qualities amongst us that are so beautiful and something to be admired. Too many of us try to change ourselves to fit what we think we are “supposed” to be, rather than embracing what we actually are. 

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change your look, your style, your way of expressing yourself. It is important though to do what YOU want and what resonates with YOU. 

I have gone through quite a journey in this realm myself and can honestly say that the best version of oneself is your true authentic self.